COSHH Waste Disposal
Fully compliant COSHH waste collection and disposal support across the UK
Our efficient COSHH waste disposal services form an essential part of your COSHH processes. From safe storage to the disposal of your COSHH waste at accredited treatment centres, we promise complete compliance including all waste transfer documentation.

COSHH Waste Disposal
Fully compliant COSHH waste collection and disposal support across the UK
Our efficient COSHH waste disposal services form an essential part of your COSHH processes. From safe storage to the disposal of your COSHH waste at accredited treatment centres, we promise complete compliance including all waste transfer documentation.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 is the legislation designed to advise organisations of their obligations in the safe storage and disposal of hazardous waste.
Appropriate COSHH processes protect people from potential risks to health, and protect your company from potential financial impacts for any breaches of legislation. Individuals and companies can be held responsible for any violations, and punishments can include unlimited fines.
COSHH waste storage and disposal is a key part of a broader set of processes which your organisation must deploy including risk assessment, control of exposure, health surveillance and incident planning.

What products can be disposed of using our COSHH waste disposal services?
Most types of hazardous waste are covered by the regulations, although some notable exceptions include radioactive waste, asbestos and lead, all of which have their own specific legislation. Types of hazardous waste that we can help you to store and dispose of include:
• Chemical waste from manufacturing or cleaning products
• Aerosols, gas bottles, fluorescent tubes and canisters
• Paints, adhesives and sealants
• Non-edible oil such as engine oil, including oily rags
• Laboratory waste including biohazards
• Animal faeces including pigeon guano

Keeping you COSHH compliant
We support your COSHH processes by supplying disposal containers for specific types of hazardous waste and ensuring regular collections, followed by appropriate treatment and disposal.
We represent your duty of care by promptly supplying waste transfer notes via our online portal, showing details of what was collected, when and how it was disposed of.
Hazardous waste never goes to landfill, it’s always transferred to accredited hazardous waste disposal sites where it’s appropriately treated and made safe.
We use specialised hazardous waste vans and our drivers have a minimum of ADR accreditation, Face Fit testing, COSHH training, manual handling certification and FORS compliance.

COSHH waste disposal for your sector
All organisations must comply with COSHH legislation, which means that most companies will need occasional or regular help in disposing of hazardous waste. Typical users of our COSHH waste disposal services include…
• Construction– paints, sealants and adhesives
• Manufacturing – oils, chemicals andadhesives
• Laboratories and hospitals – expired/used chemicals and biohazards
• Schools – waste from school laboratories and cleaning materials
• Hairdressers – aerosols and chemicals
• Garages – oily rags, used engine oil and paint
• Retail and hospitality – cleaning chemicals and aerosols

Protecting your staff and customers
The safe management of COSHH processes is essential to protect your two most important assets – your staff and your customers. Here at Foxhall Environmental Services Ltd, we provide comprehensive and professional support to keep your people, your customers and your business safe.
For any queries regarding our COSHH waste disposal services, or to get a no-obligation estimate, get in touch with our experts.