Demolition & Dismantling
FORS and ADR accredited waste disposal services across the UK
Foxhall is proud to be a recognised industry leader in demolition and construction waste disposal support. With multiple types of containers delivered to and collected from site using our own fleet of specialised vehicles, we have options to suit any requirement.From rubble to timber to plasterboard to general waste, we have containers and vehicles for all your requirements.

Demolition & Dismantling
FORS and ADR accredited waste disposal services across the UK
Foxhall is proud to be a recognised industry leader in demolition and construction waste disposal support. With multiple types of containers delivered to and collected from site using our own fleet of specialised vehicles, we have options to suit any requirement.From rubble to timber to plasterboard to general waste, we have containers and vehicles for all your requirements.
Trusted waste disposal from genuine experts
Working with construction partners across the UK, we have a proven track record of delivering on our commitments. Using our own fleet of vehicles and containers ensures that we can deliver and collect to your specific schedule, working alongside you to keep your project on track.
We are members of the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) and our drivers are also:
• ADR Licensed
• Asbestos Category B trained
• Face Fit tested and medically certified
• Manual handling and COSHH trained
We guarantee safe and compliant disposal at certified treatment, recycling and landfill sites - and our own waste transfer stations - for the safe and efficient processing of all types site waste.

Container types for all requirements
Varying site conditions and different phases of your project mean that you might require different types of containers throughout your programme of works. We can support all your requirements, with our extensive range of containers.
For demolition clearance with a mixture of timber, rubble, plasterboard and general waste, our high sided roll-on roll-off containers are ideal. With volumes up to 50 yards and capacity of 15 tonnes, these 3m x 2.5m x 6m (HWL) containers can be manually or mechanically loaded.
With high density waste such as hardcore, soil and clay, low sided roll-on roll-off containers are a preferred option. With the same footprint but a lower 1.2m height, they are easy to load and still have a 15 tonne capacity.

Efficient services designed to suit you
Ensuring the correct container type for your site is essential, but effective demolition and construction waste disposal requires an entire process to support your project schedule and compliance obligations.
Our online management system ensures that all documentation and updates are provided electronically, on time and in an easy-to-use format.
We provide quotes by email for fast approval, schedule deliveries and collections according to your timetable and provide text/email updates. Waste transfer notes for your compliance records are sent over as soon as disposal is complete.

Other demolition and construction waste support
For smaller sites with limited storage capacity, check out our container and skip hire services for information on our smaller skips, trailers and wheeled bins.
Sites often require additional waste disposal services before or during demolition and site clearance, so please talk to us if you
require support with:
• Fly tipped waste removal
• Asbestos removal and disposal
• COSHH and clinical waste
• Contaminated land remediation

Key services to support your project
With our extensive experience and professional team, we deliver comprehensive demolition and construction support for any scope or scale of project. We pride ourselves on our efficient, cost-effective and compliant services, and providing you with complete peace of mind.
For more information or to get a quote for your demolition or construction waste disposal project.