Clinical Waste Disposal
Safe, compliant and reliable support across the UK
Our fully compliant and efficient clinical waste disposal services are available for one-off clearances or on contract, supporting clients across the beauty, pharmaceutical, veterinarian, dental, medical sectors and more. We also offer Covid-19 specific services for the safe collection and disposal of potentially infected items.

Clinical Waste Disposal
Safe, compliant and reliable support across the UK
Our fully compliant and efficient clinical waste disposal services are available for one-off clearances or on contract, supporting clients across the beauty, pharmaceutical, veterinarian, dental, medical sectors and more. We also offer Covid-19 specific services for the safe collection and disposal of potentially infected items.
Types of clinical waste we handle
Clinical waste is any type of waste which has the potential to cause infection or disease. It can come from many sources including GP surgeries, nursing homes, hospitals, veterinary surgeries, laboratories, beauty salons and dental surgeries.
Any waste substance containing viable infectious micro-organisms, pharmaceutical products with biologically active agents, sharps, PPE, dressings, bodily fluids and dressings are all clinical waste and must be disposed of using appropriate, compliant processes.
There are many pieces of legislation which govern clinical waste disposal across the UK, for example in England and Wales, the Controlled Waste Regulations 2012 are a primary driver of compliance.

Types of clinical waste
Clinical waste is separated into a number of classifications, each of which uses different coloured containers and disposal bags to ensure appropriate handling:
• Yellow - infectious, medical or anatomical waste e.g. IV bags
• Orange - known infectious waste e.g. dressings
• Purple - cytotoxic and cytostatic waste e.g. chemotherapy drugs
• Yellow and black - offensive or hygiene waste
• Red - anatomical waste e.g. tissue and blood bags
• Blue - non-hazardous pharmaceutical waste

Helping you manage your clinical waste
Here at Foxhall Environmental Services Ltd, we provide fully compliant support alongside your internal processes, to ensure that your duty-of-care and compliance obligations are satisfied.
We provide contracted services which include the provision of suitable containers for all types of clinical waste, regular collection of clinical waste, treatment and disposal, all alongside the necessary compliance documentation.
We can also offer one-off clearance services; for example on sites which have been contaminated with the waste from illegal drug use such as sharps, or where fly-tipping of clinical waste has occurred.

Safe and compliant waste disposal
Clinical waste can be extremely harmful, as viruses and other infectious agents can remain dangerous for long periods of time – so it’s essential that it’s treated and disposed of correctly.
Our specially equipped vehicles and experienced drivers ensure that all waste is removed from site safely and delivered to the correct, licenced disposal locations. Our online digital system gives you visibility of the progress of all your collections and disposals.
Most clinical waste is disposed of using high temperature incineration to ensure any risk is eliminated. Other options include thermal disinfection which renders the waste non-hazardous, allowing it to be recycled or disposed of in regulated landfill.

Providing professional clinical waste disposal services
Expertly managed clinical waste disposal is essential to the maintenance of public health. With many years’ of experience, our own fleet of specialised vehicles, highly trained drivers and knowledgeable support staff, you can be confident in our ability to provide the right service to support you.
To discuss your clinical waste disposal requirements with a member of our team, get in touch and we’ll be happy to help.